120 Hymns for Wind Band Enlarged A4 edition (Oboe)

Part Number
Wright & Round
Steadman-Allen, Ray
Wright & Round Folios




1. Aberystwyth31. Geibel 61. National Anthem 91. St. Michael121. Angels from the Realms of Glory
2. Abridge32. Gerontius62. Nearer, My God, To Thee92. St. Oswald122. As with Gladness
3. Angelus33. Gopsal63. Nicaea93. St. Peter123. Christians Awake
4. Aurelia34. Hanover64. Notingham (Mozart)94. St. Theodulph124. The Coventry Carol;
5. Austrian Hymn35. Hollingside65. Nun Danket95. St. Theresa125. Ding Dong Merrily on High
6. Belmont36. Horsley66. Old Hundredth96. Samuel126. Deck the Halls
7. Blaenwern37. Hursley67. Passion Chorale97. Sandon127. God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen
8. Carlisle38. Hyfrydol68. Penlan98. Sawston128. Good King Wenceslas
9. Christ the King39. Innocents69. Pentecost99. Sine Nomine129. Good Christian Men Rejoice
10. Colne40. Kocher70. Pilgrims100. Stella130. The Holly and The Ivy
11. Cor Jesu41. Laudate Dominum71. Praise my Soul101. Stracathro131. I Saw Three Ships
12. Corpus Christi42. Laudes Domini72. Redhead102. Stuttgart132. It Came upon the Midnight Clear
13. Crimond43. Lloyd73. Regent Square103. Tallis' Canon133. Jingle Bells
14. Cross of Jesus44. Lobe den Herren74. Richmond104. Turris Davidica134. O Little Town of Bethlehem
15. Darwalls 148th45. Love Divine75. Rimmington105. Victory135. The Rocking Carol
16. Day of Rest46. Lux Benigna76. Rockingham106. Vox Dilecti136. See Amid the Winter Snow
17. Dennis47. Maidstone77. St. Agnes107. Wareham137. Unto us a Child is Born
18. Diadem48. Mannheim78. St. Albinus108. Warrington138. Wassail
19. Diademata49. Martyrdom79. St. Ann109. Westminster139. We Three Kings
20. Divine Mysteries50. Maryton80. St. Bees110. When He Cometh140. We Wish you a Merry Christmas
21. Dix51. Melcombe81. St. Cecilia111. Whitburn 
22. Dominus Regit Me52. Melita82. St. Clement112. Wiltshire 
23. Duke Street53. Miles Lane83. St. Columba113. Wir pflugen (Dresden) 
24.Dundee (French)54. Misericordia84. St. Cuthbert114. O Come All Ye Faithful 
25. Easter Hymn55. Missionary85. St. Denio115. Away in a Manger 
26. Ein' Feste Burg56. Monkland86. St. Ethelwald116. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing 
27. Ellacombe57. Monks Gate87. St. Francis117. Once in Royal David's City 
28. Ellers58. Morning Hymn88. St. George118. Nowell 
29. Eventide59. Morning Light89. St. Gertrude119. Silent Night 
30. Franconia60. Moscow90. St. Magnus120. While Shepherds Watched 

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