Saint Nicholas Fantasy is a medley of traditional Luxembourgish songs about St. Nicholas of Myra, whose story is celebrated on the 6th of December in various European countries. Playfully adapted into different styles such as bossa nova, samba, swing, dixieland or jazz waltz, these songs describe the children's uncontrolled excitement for the presents this holy man brings. The medley includes the songs:
- Kanner, loosst mer lëschteg sinn (Let's be Merry and Bright)
- Am Uewe potert d'Feier (The Fire Crackles in the Oven)
- Nach eemol gi mer schlofen (Once More We'll Go to Sleep)
- Am Dezember, vru Niklosdag (In December, Before St. Nicholas' Day)
- Ei, ei, ei! Lo ass de Kleeschen hei (Now Father Christmas is Here)
- Léiwe Kleeschen, gudde Kleeschen (Dear Saint Nicholas, Good Saint Nicholas)
Duration: 5.15