Here is Kay Starr's Christmas classic, (Everybody's Waitin' for) the Man with The Bag. The song was written in 1950 and released in the same year on Capitol 1256. The original arrangement was scored by Frank DeVol and written for 4 Reeds, 3 Trumpets, 2 Trombones, 4 Rhythm and female vocal. In generating our arrangement we have referenced both the score and the original recording, adapting the chart to a full 5444 big band line up whilst retaing all of the integrity of the original concept. The vocal line is written "as sung" by Kay Starr and the litte sax solo licks during the instrumental sections are scored on the Baritone part. Whilst we have rated this chart at the medium difficulty level, there are a a couple of passages that will require real precision. The unison Trumpet phrase in measure 7 of the first instrumental passage and the 3rd and 4th measures of the second ensemble section. We have also written in all of the dynamic markings and note articulations that are so necessary in the performance of this excellent chart. The vocal key is G and there are no sax doubles.